Meet the Office Dogs

All our office dogs LOVE people and are here to greet you and make you feel at home! Feel free to pet them, they love the attention! If you have dog allergies or fears and would like the office dog(s) to be put away during your visit, please let us know and we are happy to accommodate!


Lulu, our gentle giant, is the youngest pooch in our pack of office therapy dogs.  This German Shepard/St. Bernard mix may look like a Shepard, but is all St. Bernard in personality!  She loves checking in on our patients and may throw her hips into you for some scratches.  When she is not greeting patients, she loves to curl up and nap with her stuffies.  Snuggles are her love language, and she also happens to be our beloved Bo’s girlfriend. 🙂 Outside of work, her main hobby is destroying Dr. Charlotte and Dr. H’s yard with her world-renowned digging skills. 



Nala is the oldest of our pack, and undoubtedly the wisest.  She was an abandoned puppy that Dr. Charlotte rescued, and she holds the street smarts and timid nature of her history.  She can be shy with strangers, but has opened up beyond belief after being around our compassionate and fur-loving patients.  She began at the office with her brave younger brother Ziggy to help her feel comfortable, and now she no longer fears strangers!  She may be slow to approach but is seeking to make you feel welcomed and among friends.  You will win her over by speaking softly and utilizing her love language – rump scratches!



Bo is a golden/lab mix and he takes his greeter role very seriously. It doesn’t matter if he is taking a nap or where he is, if he hears the door open, he runs to say hello! You may often see him sunbathing or rolling around the ground to get attention.  He loves attention, and even if he is snoozing, feel free to come up and pet him! 


Ziggy is our office Romeo.  He had a bit of a hard start to life, and learned the value of love and affection when he was rescued by Dr. Charlotte.  This sweet boy spends his time at the office soliciting as much attention as possible from our patients and staff.  His love language is kisses and he knows no such thing of personal space, so if you feel something wet on your ear during your cleaning, it is likely Ziggy giving you a kiss!


Lucy is a standard poodle, who loves to greet patients with her toy that we refer to as her “baby.” When she isn’t getting attention from patients, she loves to squirrel watch out the window. She also loves squirreling at home with her fur brother, Roscoe, and her human brother, Karson.


Razor has crossed the rainbow bridge, but used to love coming in to greet patients! He was Dr. Hamidazeh’s “soul dog” as he would put it, and followed him around. He knew commands in multiple languages and was an obedient friend to all. 

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Bristol Location
(802) 453-7700


(802) 655-4614


(802) 334-6965


(802) 878-1170